A house a few streets away from ours recently underwent a facelift. The plastic stained glass door replaced with a honey colored wood frame. The windows changed from casement to divided light casement. A new entryway pergola waits for droopy foliage to grow on it. Finally the owner painted the house trim a warm red and the body of the house a blue tinted green. House colors are tricky. It all looks nice as a paint swatches on paper but slather the latex onto the siding in the middle of a landscape filled with yellow green leafy trees and you see a different visual.
For the Flatpak we had to pick everything by swatch and then hold our breath as it was installed. For the exterior we slected a nuetral assortment of materials. The main goal driving our choices was to create a maintenance free exterior. Wood was out as were the powdercoat colors that would fade in a few years. We ended up with the barny combination of dark gray Cembonit, silver Galvalume, and patches of warm red and sparkly charcoal powdercoat.
I am getting the urge to change it but for now I will just alter the exterior on my computer.